Yesterday was my 38th birthday and my 2 week post op appointment with Dr. V.
First of all, my appointment with Dr. V went very well. He was impressed with my abdominal incision scar - very well pleased as I am:) I broke down and shaved the troll arm the morning of my appointment! I tried the night before to remove the steri-strips but I just couldn't do it! It was hurting like HELL and I became a little nauseous so I said "screw it"! Dr. V pulled them off with no problem at all. The axillary scar is not as pretty as the abdominal one... It's more "dented" into my skin - but with 10 stitches I guess it could be worse! My abdomen has 7 internal stitches, 2 levels (the scar is 1 inch longer than the axillary) but my axillary was a much more deeper incision so it was stitched on 3 levels internally. He confirmed a cleaned path report but he did say as we know ... he can't promise the cancer won't reoccur. Overall I'm happy as hell - I'm a survivor! The picture above is just a silly snap shot of me in a sexy little tissue half gown waiting on Dr. V! HAHA
It was a fabulous day despite the wonderful speeding ticket I received on my way to the doctor! 70 MPH in a 50 - this trooper wasn't playing! But he did drop it to a 60 in a 50 and graciously handed me my ticket! Hmm, no mercy on the birthday girl! Hell, he probably didn't even realize the date and I sure as hell wasn't gonna play the "it's my birthday, give me a break" card! Surprisingly, I maintained my fabulous mood all day!
I spent the day with my family and taking pictures of my beautiful g-baby. That little girl has Mimi wrapped tightly around her little finger!
Back to work today after being off the weekend + 2 days:) WOW, what a BUSY day it was! Tomorrow I'm off and headed to Riley Hospital in Indy for Menza's cast removal! (Can I get a "hell yeah"!?) It's gonna be a fabulous week.... it's so funny how everything went to shit in a hand basket back in August - cancer diagnosis then Menza breaking his tibia... Now everything is happening back to back in a positive way! I am a survivor!
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