One more lousy week to go!
Yep, that's right one week from today I will finally have this deadly disease excised from my body and hopefully know my prognosis! This past month has been a living hell for me, just not knowing how much damage is already done ... it's a feeling I can't even begin to put into words.
I'm still feeling very fatigued. I had my lab work done - results are very disappointing! I've always had a low glucose level but never really gave it much thought until today. The morning I had my blood work I guzzled a large McDonald's sweet tea about 1 hour prior to the lab draw. I had just had my "wellness" exam through work and really wasn't worried about "fasting". Well, my glucose was 75 after drinking a large sweet tea, and my Triglycerides were 258!!! I have never in my life had high Triglycerides! So, after talking with the doctor I was told my body is producing too much insulin which will eventually burn my pancreas out. The thought of depending on insulin in a syringe to live really turns my stomach so I now am eliminating all sugar from my diet. My mother has chronic pancreatitis and is an insulin dependent diabetic... NO THANK YOU - I WANT NO PART OF IT! Dr. E says the first 2 weeks of coming off the sugar will be rough but it's something I must do. My HDL was really low "31", which surprised the hell out of me considering I have been busting my ass at night jogging and walking ever since the end of June. I was expecting a slight raise in my HDL's not a 5 point decrease!
I was told Cancer loves sugar. All of your cells need glucose (blood sugar) for energy. Healthy cells follow a life cycle of growth, division and death. Like leaves on a tree, old cells die off and are replaced by an equal number of healthy cells. Cancer develops when old cells refuse to die, but keep growing, dividing, and building up in one place – creating a tumor.
FML - my head hurts from trying to take everything in... at this point I just want to go to bed and not wake up until this nightmare is over. It seems like each day brings more bullshit.
Oh on a happier note: my lil diva daughter's biopsy came back benign - thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. It would have killed me if it cam back BCC, SCC or Malignant Melanoma!
I'm off to rest my head. I've gone into full migraine status just in the time in took to compose this post. What a pretty shitty life at the moment.
XOXO - Melanoma Diva
Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers today and everyday.
Hugs -
Tracy (mm mommy)
Well that stinks! How much can one woman take? I think you might be setting a record here. I am continuing to pray for you. On a positive note, I gave up sugar in January and lost 12 lbs. I guess knowing is half the battle. Sorry you had a bad week. Happy to hear that Brooklyn is fine. Say hi to her and Jordan for me.
Thanks for the prayers ladies. @Teresa 12 pounds is awesome! I'm trying to hold on to a little weight in case chemo becomes a part of my life... but I definitely would love to shed about 15 pounds! I love the website you shared with me:) Brooklyn has been busy with Sorority recruitment all weekend so I haven't been able to talk to her but when I do I'll tell her.
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