Days left until Surgery Day...
Sorry - no post yesterday, this ol' girl was wiped out! These last few weeks I have been feeling so drained, when 4 PM rolls around - I'm DONE! It takes everything to stay awake on my 45 minute drive home from work!
Today I was actually able to get out of the house for a few hours to catch a movie. G-ma V stopped in to offer us a break - a much needed break! We went to see "The Help" - if you get to the end of this movie without tearing up at least once, please check for a pulse; you might already be dead! Just sayin'! If you haven't already, you need to check it out, great movie!
I have nothing planned for the night as my "energy" bubble has been deflated and I'm ready to relax... but first I need to find my "get up and go" in order to make it through my 3 mile walk tonight... I didn't walk the past 2 nights due to no energy but I must drag my ass out tonight! One thing I have made a commitment to was staying in shape and healthy regardless how hard it is at times... I was running but due to an ankle injury the "run" has been put on hold... now I'm experiencing severe sharp pains in my right groin area that kills me just walking! But lil old determined me still manages to push through.
I want to thank everyone again for all your prayers, kind words and positive thoughts. I have so much to be thankful for. I know I have had a lot of BAD days lately and I know I will see many more ahead of me but it's definitely my friends and family that keep me grounded with positive thoughts and gives the hope to keep pushing on.
XOXO - Melanoma Diva
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