Monday, October 10, 2011

Off to see the Wizard.

I'm off to see the Wizard tomorrow for my 2 week post - op appointment. Today I finally mustered up enough bravery to pull my steri-strips off my abdomen incision... OUCH! Once I got all the adhesive off and cleaned up the incision it looked really good! WOW - I think it looks better than Dr. V even expected it to look. Pretty damn good considering he cut 4 inches wide, 2 inches on each side and 2 inches deep (football incision)... I'm very pleased!

My surgeon rocks!

I haven't even started on the troll arm yet - that's my task when I'm done with this post. Task is definitely what it's gonna be! I was told NO SHAVING AND NO DEODORANT... yep, all I can say is the 80's called this morning wanting their hair back! 

I think physically I am almost back to my old self. I still have a very sensitive area on my right shoulder blade (shirt even hurts against it) I'd say it's some major nerve sensitivity from the axillary biopsy that will with time improve. * I hope *

Tomorrow I'm a year older - not sure if I'm a year wiser but one thing is for certain I'm much wiser about the effects of tanning and Melanoma! 38 years of life - I can only hope and pray for 38 more:) 

xoxo - Melanoma Diva


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